Sinatra MVC App: Adventure Bucket

Posted by Eryk Rachwal on April 20, 2020

Adventure Bucket List is an app that lets you keep track of all the adventures you want to go on.



To create this app, I first started with the Models.

  1. User
  2. Destination
  3. Adventure

These models are responsible for connecting eachother using relationship associations: has_many and belongs_to.

  • Users “has_many” Destinations.
  • Destinations “belongs_to” Users and “has_many” Adventures
  • Adventures “belongs_to” Destinations


The Views are responsible for displaying the data pulled from Models.

These views were written using HTML and Ruby. The .erb extension allows for the use of both languages in the same file.


Last but not least, we have the Controllers.

The Controllers play a very important role. They are the “facilitators”. The “workers”.

The Application Controller is responsible for setting some basic rules like which folder to find my views, to enable sessions - those are used to keep track on which user is currently logged in and to secure the session. The controllers are broken down into 3 for simplicity and organization.

The User Controller creates a new user. It can also log-in and delete a user if requested.

The Destination Controller creates a new destination along with its attributes that belongs_to a User and has_many Adventures.

This project has taught me so much! Now, I can expand on my knowledge and improve my application. Stay tuned for the updated version!